Tuesday, July 2, 2013


LDPOA: Do not institute a Fine Schedule without a vote of the members 

We have gone 45 yrs without a fine schedule and have seen numerous instances of abuses of power by Directors and violation committees. We believe that the decision should be up to the entire membership not just 7 directors who may have their own agendas

If you agree please sign the petition

Lake Don Pedro Owners Association: Do not institute a Fine Schedule without a vote of the members

Fine Program for LDPOA?

If you are wondering about how the fine program will work, just read the article in the Discoverer.
Their agenda is clear.  I have several questions.

1.       Who determines what a presentable condition is for your property is? 
2.       What are the standards and who decides?
3.       Where in the LDPOA legal documents does it say the board is responsible for keeping the area, our properties kept up in a manner where all members can enjoy it?
4.       If  the fine program will be so simple and unobtrusive that most won’t notice it why did it take ½ a page to explain it?

I do not believe that members’ speaking out against the fines creates unnecessary stress and hysteria, do you?  

Why must the board try to belittle members when we voice our opinions?  The directors are there to represent us not their own standards or agendas

Every so many years we get people who have moved here from the valley or Bay area and they want the subdivision to be controlled like where they came from. We are not a HOA we are a property owner’s assn.  We are on large lots, not condos, townhouses or subdivisions where homes are only 12 feet apart.

Mike and I both served on the board and a fine program is not something we members need.  It will only cause problems and additional expense.  And we remember a time when they used to drive around looking for violations and how they enforced the rules on some and turned a blind eye on other violations. 

For 45 years LDPOA has dealt with violations without having to resort to a Fines program. As a past director and Chair of ACC we have always resolved those few (less that 1% at any given time) without a fine schedule, so why do they need a fine program? Is it about power and control?