I will be on the agenda for the
board meeting this Saturday at 10 am and will be discussing some of the issues
that are plaguing this association. I would appreciate it if you would come
support me and add your input.
As I was getting signatures for
the petition I spoke to many members and not a one of them had anything
positive to say about our association. In fact the level of distrust they had against
the board was abysmal. As a former
President and Chair of the ACC I find this really sad.
When I was on the board we did
many things for the members. We held
lunches, BBQ’s, swap meets, clean up days, movie nights and due to our
relationship with Mariposa County we had the USAF band play for the members one
December evening. We doubled the pool area adding a lawn, half basketball
court, BBQs, picnic tables and we remodeled the gym adding book shelves and a
desk area. We even hosted a Monday
morning coffee and donuts chat for members so they could talk to a director in
an informal setting. But most important
of all we reached out to members, listened to their concerns and helped
whenever we could. So I say to you what
I have a question
Who does the Association belong to?
Official answer
All the members
Unofficial answer
As long as the members feel
alienated and don’t get involved then the board does as they make all the
decisions without members.
Those of you that attended the Fine Committee meetings realize we have some serious issues that cannot be corrected without help from the members.
I realize that everyone has a life but our Association is facing several issues that could negatively impact the members and I really need your help in reaching this board.
I realize that everyone has a life but our Association is facing several issues that could negatively impact the members and I really need your help in reaching this board.
The issue of the fine schedule is also not resolved. When
the board was confronted with a petition signed by 5% of the members saying
they didn’t want a fine schedule what did the board do?? Postponed implementing
it and wanted another committee. Well what does that tell you? Members need to
join together and speak out.
If you want to speak out on this or any issue come to the
board meeting tomorrow at 10 am