If you live in Mariposa County the following are some of the things you could be subject to fines if someone turns you in.
1.“Pets. No animals or livestock of any description except the usual household pets and horses as allowed by county ordinance shall be kept on any lot.
2.Parking. No vehicle shall be parked on any street in the Subdivision, nor shall any stripped-down, partially wrecked, or junk motor vehicle, or sizeable part thereof, be permitted to be parked on any street in the Subdivision or on any lot in such manner as to be visible to the occupants of other lots within the Subdivision or to the users of any street, lake or golf course therein.
3.Fuel tanks; rubbish receptacles. Every tank for the storage of fuel installed outside any building in the Subdivision shall be either buried below the surface of the ground or screened to the satisfaction of the Committee by fencing or shrubbery. Every outdoor receptacle for ashes, trash, rubbish or garbage shall be installed underground, screened or so placed and kept as not to be visible from any street, lake or golf course within the Subdivision at any time except during refuse collections.
4.Maintenance; enforcement by Association. All lots, whether occupied or unoccupied, and any improvements placed thereon, including individual sewage disposal systems, shall at all times be maintained in such a manner as to prevent their becoming unsightly by reason of unattractive growth on such lot or the accumulation of rubbish or debris thereon, or to prevent the occurrence of any health hazard. In the event any such lot or improvement thereon is not so maintained, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter thereon for the purpose of maintenance, restoration or repair, the cost of which shall be added to and become a part of the annual charge to which such lot is subject and which may become a lien thereon in the same manner as herein provided.
5.Nuisances. No noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on any lot nor shall anything be done on any lot that shall be or become an unreasonable annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
6.Dumping or burning of trash. No trash, ashes, garbage or other refuse shall be dumped or stored on any lot nor be thrown into or left on the shoreline of any lake in the Subdivision. No outside burning of trash or garbage shall be permitted.
We have gone 45 yrs without a fine schedule and have seen numerous instances of abusses of power by Directors and violation committees. Can you imagine what would happen once they can fine you?
Please come to the Saturday May 11th meeting 10AM and let the board know how you feel about this.
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