Yes once again the powers to be at CSD are going back to the well and are trying to enact the second phase of Prop 218. In phase 2 of Prop 218 they intend to raise standby rates and new meter install rates appreciably. However, wait here is the carrot they are going to tell you that if the second phase passes then they will not increase our service rate next year. Really why am I not convinced?
Do they realize that the economy is circling the drain, foreclosures are at record heights with more to come and unemployment in California is at almost 13%? Apparently, they do not.
In their infinite wisdom, a “board majority” has banded together, spent money unwisely; giving raises and has done nothing significant to reduce CSD’s costs. Clueless comes to mind here.
We voted at the last CSD Board election hoping that this new board would step in and be fiscally responsible by making the hard decisions necessary for CSD to remain solvent. We should have known better. Sigh
Here are a few of my thoughts and questions on all of this.
Why does the CSD office have to be open 5 days a week 8 hours a day?
I know that many of the water districts scattered throughout the Sierras only have their offices open part time.
Why is everyone working full time in the office except for one part time person to answer phones? We only bill once a month, we have a payment box outside, answering machines are cheap and we do not have a land boom going on. I totally understand why the outside crew is required on a full time basis and have no problem with that.
Why did they not look into the information I gave them on the EDD Work Share Program over 10 months ago?
The Work Share program is for any employer who has a reduction of production, services, or other conditions that cause the employer to seek an alternative to layoffs. Check it out yourself at http://www.edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/Work_Sharing_Claims.htm Why should we give them more money when they have shown us that they cannot be fiscally responsible?
Based upon their actions so far I have no faith in anything this board tells us. I believe that the “Board majority” is in over their heads and unfortunately for us all they are voting in a block of three.
We gave them a rate increase last November and they have not tightened their belts at all, just back asking for more (must be time to give raises again).
Until CSD has shown they are being fiscally responsible, the well is dry.