Sunday, October 12, 2014

Truth or HIPE?

First and foremost nothing in the Association CC&R’s or articles of incorporation say that it is responsible for your property values.  What it does say is that the association’s specific and primary purposes are  “To unite property owners, to encourage civic improvements, to promote community activities and interests and to maintain common areas and community facilities within the subdivision.”   People you need to read your CC&Rs and the Articles of Incorporation, don’t take anyone’s word for it.

Yesterday heard the VP tell us that we were governed by Real Estate Laws.  Geez apparently she has never read the CC&Rs as we are governed by Civil Code.  Several directors and members state that trashy properties caused their property values to go down and their rationale for the fine schedule was to protect members’ property values. Well folks I am here tell you that that is not true most of the time.

When you list your home for sale or refinance Comps are done from the Multiple Listing Service and/or the county assessors based on sold and/or listed properties in your area that are comparable to your home.  Such as construction, square footage, number of bedrooms/baths, size of your lot, garage, amenities, improvements, the economy and other variables.  NOT on whether the house across the street, down the road or across the ravine is trashy, unkempt or a lot has a camper on it.

The board kept saying that they needed to be empowered to enforce rules/laws and needed another tool and the fine resolution was it.  Well if the board doesn’t enforce the rules that apply to them or enforce them evenly then, how in the hell can we expect them to treat us fairly.  One example of this is fencing a lot that doesn’t have a house on it.  The violations committee has violated members for this and as a past president and Chair of the ACC I know that the association has approved many fences on vacant lots.  So where is the fairness in this? And why won’t they put this on a ballot so the members can vote on it? 

Why is it that other boards in the past 46 yrs have not felt the need for a fine schedule?  The board will be voting on this at the November meeting.  Back in I believe December of last year we the member submitted a petition with 5% of the members signatures required by law Petition to Revise Rule  to stop this resolution and this board seems set to do what they want to do regardless of what the members want or don’t want.  They seem to forget who they represent..

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I believe that with the addition of these 2 new board directors we will see this board become more member friendly.  Our support should not end at the ballot box, we need to help them by attending meetings and volunteering.

Monday, December 9, 2013


I will be on the agenda for the board meeting this Saturday at 10 am and will be discussing some of the issues that are plaguing this association. I would appreciate it if you would come support me and add your input

As I was getting signatures for the petition I spoke to many members and not a one of them had anything positive to say about our association.  In fact the level of distrust they had against the board was abysmal.  As a former President and Chair of the ACC I find this really sad.
When I was on the board we did many things for the members.  We held lunches, BBQ’s, swap meets, clean up days, movie nights and due to our relationship with Mariposa County we had the USAF band play for the members one December evening. We doubled the pool area adding a lawn, half basketball court, BBQs, picnic tables and we remodeled the gym adding book shelves and a desk area.  We even hosted a Monday morning coffee and donuts chat for members so they could talk to a director in an informal setting.  But most important of all we reached out to members, listened to their concerns and helped whenever we could.  So I say to you what happened?

I have a question       
 Who does the Association belong to?
Official answer   
All the members         
Unofficial answer        

As long as the members feel alienated and don’t get involved then the board does as they make all the decisions without members.

Those of you that attended the Fine Committee meetings realize we have some serious issues that cannot be corrected without help from the members.

I realize that everyone has a life but our Association is facing several issues that could negatively impact the members and I really need your help in reaching this board. 


The issue of the fine schedule is also not resolved. When the board was confronted with a petition signed by 5% of the members saying they didn’t want a fine schedule what did the board do?? Postponed implementing it and wanted another committee. Well what does that tell you? Members need to join together and speak out.
If you want to speak out on this or any issue come to the board meeting tomorrow at 10 am